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Hazardous Materials Awareness Training Classes  12/06/22

Choose 5 hour Initial or 3 Hour Recurrent/Refresher sessions


Sessions summary - revised 10/27/22


If you have not registered for the date, see the store at to register.  You will see this document on the store product for yhe class.  A pdf of it will be also be provided to you after purchase.


Note you can view the original of this document at the link


GET THE FREE PDF of the “Green Book” at this link...


Hazardous Materials Initial Training and Recurrent (Refresher) Training Classes Summary 2022

Choice of 

8:00 a.m. EST Initial Training (5 hours - $99)  


2:00 p.m EST Recurrent Training  (3 hours - $59)


Offered 12/06/22 


Both the initial training and the recurrent a.k.a “refresher” training, are available, back to back, in one day


This class provides HazMat training as required by 49 CFR §172.704


  • Live

  • Online

  • interactive

  • Instructor-led, not a video

  • Initial training is done in 5 hours or less

  • Recurrent “Refresher” done in 3 hours or less

  • $95 or $59 - choose the class(es) you need

  • Testing is part of the course & included in each module.

  • Provides written documentation of training requirements:

    • the hazmat employee’s name; 

    • the completion date of the most recent training;

    • training materials used (copy, description, or location); 

    • the name and address of the hazmat trainer; and 

    • certification that the hazmat employee has been trained and tested. 

  • .pdf of the book for download is included here:




Propane Bobtail drivers taking this class will find it helpful if they have already taken the CETP 2.2 Bobtail class.   


Combo 2.2 & Haz Mat:  We also offer the CETP 2.2 Bobtail class and exam Combined with this Haz Mat class.   Ask us


Training records must be retained for each hazmat employee for three years from the date of the last training, and for 90 days after the employee leaves.   Refresher (a.k.a “recurrent”) training must be documented every three years.


Start times:


8 a.m. EST morning session begins the Initial Training for new hires to meet the 90-day requirement -  Duration 5 hours - Cost $99


2 p.m. EST afternoon session begins the Recurrent Training - required every 3 (three) years  - for the Refresher requirement - Duration 3 hours - Cost $59


Not in the Eastern Standard Time zone?   Your U.S. time will be earlier that EST so make your calendar entry accordingly so you don't miss the start of the class.


Cost includes training classes and relevant materials in pdf format. Attendees can download the textbook from the link we provide in this document.  There are NO OTHER FEES.


The “Initial Training” class - starting at 8 a.m. EST and lasting 5 hours - is for you if you 

  • -do not have “Relevant Training” from a previous employer with the records for your current employer

  • - are new to your current job and have not completed the Initial Training within 90 days of your start

  •  - need to generate documentation of training for your current job

This is a Live, Online, Instructor-led Class



  • Meet the requirements of 172.704 by completing the required training

  • Secure documentation of required training for your records


A Certificate of Attendance will be provided to all students completing the class.   Certificates will be sent by email to the email addresses associated with the registrations received by us


More Details


If you have purchased or are considering purchasing one or more registrations for the

Hazardous Materials Initial Training and Recurrent (Refresher) Training Classes, both are Instructor-Led Online Classes.


A summary of what you need to know is contained herein.  You may have already seen this on the store class description, or Mike DiGiorgio or Shane Sweet may have emailed it to you after your purchase.


Note that this text description as shown on the “Store” product description for this class may have been truncated due to site space limitations.  If you are reading the pdf or Google Doc of this text, it is the full-length version of this summary.


The store accepts Credit cards or Paypal.  The “offline payment” or “manual payment” essentially means you will pay by check or other means after you register via the store and before the class.   If you have any problems with paying by card,  use the offline payment choice and we will invoice your company.   We have had reports of customers having issues with American Express for some reason.


Your payment will be processed via PayPal or “Wix Payments” and will appear as Shane Sweet or Shane Sweet LLC on your card statement


Both the Initial Training class and the Recurrent Training classes are Live - not a recording, not videos - and will be led and instructed by M


NOTE that if you are reading this on the store class description, the document ends HERE.  The site restricts the number of characters on the store description so see the remainder of the document at teh Google Doc link above or in the pdf received after purchase at the store.

12/06/22 HazMat Training - Initial or Recurrent/Refresher

PriceFrom $59.00
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